You’re gonna eat what!?

Placenta Dehydration/Encapsulation

So this is what I did today. My sweet sister had a baby just last week and decided she wanted to reap the many benefits of eating her placenta. Neither the pot roast or smoothie recipes were appetizing so we decided to go this route. It was actually not near as gross as I had anticipated. The whole prep process took maybe 15 minutes. While dehydrating on my kitchen counter it was virtually odorless. The encapsulation process was also quite easy after grinding the dehydrated placenta as you can see below.


It begins:

Removing the sac:

Closer examination:

Into the blender:

Placenta smoothie anyone?

Onto the tray:

All done with phase one!!


For the next set of business I dehydrated the placenta until there was no moisture left at all. That was approximately 7 1/2 hours. The placenta was very thin after, but still tough (not like jerky, but tough and flaky). I cut it into bits with scissors and put it in a food processor. All of the recipes I have read said to blend the dehydrated placenta again but I prematurely returned the blender to my sister, not thinking. So at that point the best blades in my kitchen were in a food processor. I do have to warn you about the odor. The placenta never smelled bad, until I opened the dehydrator once it was done. At that point I still wasn’t gagging because the odor was foul, but not pungent. It was tolerable but I would have benefited from wearing a simple mask. Then I just disassembled one gel cap at a time, filling it with powdered placenta. I also recommend wearing gloves for Phase Two. I washed my hands a few times and finally ended up satisfied with the smell of my hands after a shower and some scrubbing. The placenta has yielded 100 gel caps so far. I ran out and I am guesstimating that I will fill another 100 gel caps easily with what’s remaining.

It’s done:

I accidentally started cutting then I remembered to take pictures, so that is what the missing chunk is all about.

Here you can see how thin it was:

Into the food processor:

Powdered Placenta:

Now the fun part:

Over all this was a fairly simple to do and similar to things you would normally do with food.  Nothing was incredibly difficult or disgusting.  I would absolutely do this again.  It’s well worth the benefit.

The known ingredients that give the placenta healing properties are:

Gonadotrophin: the precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone

Prolactin: main hormone to produce milk

Oxytocin: helps with pain and bonding; produced during breastfeeding to facilitate bonding of mother and infant

Thyroid stimulating hormone: boosts energy and helps recovery from stressful events

Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks energy stores

Interferon: stimulates the immune system to protect against infections

Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory

Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia

Urokinase inhibiting factor and factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing

Gammaglobulin: immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections

About Mamamojo

My name is T. I am a homeschooling, home/water birthing, dreadlocked, special needs mama to four beautiful daughters. I'm married to my best friend. I am a natural childbirth and breastfeeding advocate. I have done some volunteer work as a peer counselor with WIC and as a doula with Birthwell Partners and plan to be a midwifery assistant one day. My blog was created to put some alternative information out there about breastfeeding, childbirth & other issues regarding motherhood and life in general. I hope that you enjoy reading here and visit me often. Thanks for reading!
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43 Responses to You’re gonna eat what!?

  1. Pingback: A Little R and R… and R! » Blog Archive » Placenta Encapsulation

  2. itsnotmurray says:

    very cool!

  3. janice says:

    Hi there-

    I wondering if you washed the placenta before placing it in the blender or steamed it? I have heard doing both but from your pics it doesn’t look like you did and it seemed to work out fine. Also, what brand of dehydrator did you use?


  4. Ashley says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this! I’d been trying to figure out how to do it, and your instructions make it look so easy. Thanks! :o)

  5. TulipGirl says:

    My sister’s husband demonstrated his devotion by doing that task for her.

  6. Lix says:

    Hi Tara,
    Yay for you posting this. and double YAY for including pictures. I really want to go there with this new one cooking in my tummy now. I have all the equipment, I just need to find that gutsy person to do it for me. Ho-hum I guess it will be me. Can you run me through exactly how you prepared the placenta before you put it in the blended, what pieces did you need to discard, chop off etc. And also….do you think it would smell less is I just sliced it before dehydrating instead of blending? Plus, how fiddly was it to put in the capsules once ground?
    Sorry so many q’s, but am having trouble finding any info about it. If you or your sis can send me a link to anything, that would also be brill.
    Ta in Advance

  7. Tara says:

    Who is this? Do I know you? LOL

    I would not suggest just slicing it because it will not dehydrate evenly. It really IS NOT GROSS! It does not smell until your grinding the dehydrated placenta in the food processor.

    You want to cut the umbilical cord away and as much of the membrane as you can. It’s like a sac. You can pull up on the sac and stretch it up and actually see where your baby living in there!!! Too cool. The umbilical cord may squirt and it will most definitely drain blood once you cut it. The placenta will seep blood, too. Just squish it some and rinse a bit with cool water.

    As for getting the ground placenta into the capsules it wasn’t bad. I put the powder in a bowl and I just opened a capsule, scooped up some powder and capped it. Very easy! But wear some gloves, it gets under your nails and you may not like the smell of the dehydrated placenta. It doesn’t smell like death or rotting meat or anything but it is potent and burning a candle or oil burner would suffice.

    Where are you located? I’ve done this for a couple friends, for a price though. I would consider doing it for you if I am near enough to and if you can prove to me that you don’t have AIDS, HEP B, etc.

    Seriously though, the placenta blends so easily. And it doesn’t smell any worse than birth or a period does (TMI I know, sorry). The placenta will pour out of the blender like jam. And you can smooth it evenly out on to the fruit tray of the dehydrator (make sure you use the tray!!). Every placenta is diff WRT size and how long it takes to dehydrate.

  8. Sarah says:

    I read somewhere that it brings out something beneficial steaming it with ginger and a hot pepper…. have you read this?

  9. martine purdy says:

    at what temperature did you dehydrate? would it be better to do it for a longer period of time at a lower temperature to not kill off any enzymes?

    thank you so much for posting this info!

  10. Laura says:

    Thanks so much for posting your photos! Did you use a screen over the trays, or spread on the tray directly? Also, I’m curious about Martine’s question above about the temperature. What temp did you use?

  11. Tara says:

    I did not use a screen and I dehydrated the placenta on the highest setting on the dehydrator, I am not certain of what that was though I can have my sister take a look at it and ask her.

  12. Carmen says:

    Heard about it, but was disgusted on just thinking about it. But the way you put it, it doesnt seem like a bad idea. What are the benefits of eating the placenta? Im a prenatal educator, and since this is not done (at least I havent heard it locally), maybe if someone asks I can explain. By the way, love your blog!!!

  13. Carlee says:

    Thanks so much for posting this w/pictures even!! I’m wondering if the smell would be different to the mommy…i think you said this was your sisters placenta…I’ve heard that when cooking the placenta it generally only tastes and smell “good” to the mommy who birthed the placenta…seems pretty normal to me.

    To respond to Carmen’s post. The placenta is tonifying to the liver, kidney, and lungs. Not to mention the vitamins and minerals found in the actual meat of the organ. Also, it is said to be a wonderful way to combat PPD! Which I personally have battled with both of my girls and totally expect to deal with the issue w/the bun that is in the oven now. Also, the placenta is said to increase the milk supply which I also had issues with my previous pregnancies. As well as aiding the postpartum woman in healing by decreasing bleeding helping to stabalize hormones. It is also supposed to support the immune system. I’ve heard of women actually feeding it their babies when they were sick…this was obviously a “slushy substance”. I’ve included a link to an article regarding this subject…there are about a million other places to search and google is the place i go…

    the link didn’t highlight so you’ll probably have to copy and paste to a new address bar…

  14. My doula and my husband worked together to encapsulate our placenta when my son was born last year. I did it mostly as research because I work as a postpartum doula, and wanted to have some first hand experience to offer my clients. The experience was so amazing that I took a class to learn how to do it, and now offer the service to all of my clients.

    I didn’t start taking the pills until nearly a week after my son was born, and by then I had developed unbearable anxiety, and I feel was well on my way to developing a full blown postpartum mood disorder. Within two hours of taking the first dose of two capsules, the anxiety was completely relieved. I noticed over the next days and weeks that I just felt stronger and more able to take care of myself and my son. The middle of the night feedings didn’t even phase me anymore, I felt so rested.

  15. Todd says:

    You people are disgusting! I would NEVER eat anything that my body produces.

    What next? Poop Pancakes???

    • Brooke Fotheringham says:

      Ah Todd, I’ve been waiting for a comment like yours.

      1. Do you eat meat? The placenta is the only non-violent meat. Nothing has to die to create it. Miraculous in its own right. Out of context, and in person it is just like any other organ meat, much like liver.

      2. When encapsulated the placenta looks, smells, and tastes just like any other vitamin pill.

      3. At the absolute worst this is no grosser than eating a scab, and I’m guessing EVERYONE who was ever a child has done that.

      4. I hope no-one in your family ever has to go through darkness of postpartum depression with you knowing that this treatment exists and wanting to deny it to them because of your own ignorance and squeamishness. Knowledge is power darling, get some.

  16. Colly says:

    My daughter will be giving birth soon in a natural birth center. She plans on encapsulating her placenta. I have volunteered to provide a way to transport it to her home where they can prepare it for encapsulation.

    What do I need to do as far as keeping the tissue fresh. Ice only? How quickly do they need to start preparing the placenta for dehydration?

    If a freezer bag, an ice chest and some ice is all I need to bring to the birth my job will be a snap.

    Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!

    • Tara says:

      Yes – that’s all you need. And you should start the process within 12 hours but can go as long as 2-3 days (if kept in the fridge). The longer you wait the less benefit t provides but it’s still worth the effort as long as it hasn’t previously been frozen 🙂

  17. Keith says:

    I have a close friend of mine whom gave birth a couple of days ago & I am intending on dehydrating and encapsulating her placenta. She currently has it frozen and I am wondering
    about the changes that occur? Are the nutrients less viable? Obviously there has been significant
    cell rupture due to the freezing process – though how significant would that be?
    Also, I am wondering what the typical daily dosages is?
    Is there a certain regime that is more beneficial (ie: taking it at certain times of the day ect…) ?
    Thank you in advance for your wisdom 🙂

  18. Kim Palmer says:

    What a wonderful blog! Thanks for the detailed instruction, photos, etc. I am a midwifery student and have always been intrigued with this. I plan on encapsulating my daughter’s placenta in approx. 5 weeks (Yippee!!). What size capsules did you use? Can you tell me what the “dosage” would be?

    Thank you so much for posting this.

    Be Blessed,

  19. Alana says:

    I was wondering whether placenta is still nutritious after being frozen? I gave birth seven months ago and have retained my placenta to bury under a tree for my daughters first birthday, but since seeing this I am very interested to see whether it would help me with my low milk supply issues and PPD. Any ideas would be greatfully appreciated

  20. Brooke Fotheringham says:

    Fresh of course would be the most potent way to do this, but I’ve heard of people doing the encapsulation process with a frozen placenta several years after the birth, and still being happy with the benefit derived from the capsules. I don’t know specifically how long is too long to leave it in the freezer though, I think it would vary based on the temperature of your freezer. You could always try it, and if you don’t feel like it is doing anything for you, bury the capsules and the cord under a tree like you had originally planned to do.

  21. Luschka says:

    I am so envious of anyone who has the guts to do this. I am planning to for my next pregnancy though. Although my husband still freaks out a little at the suggestion. Lol. But I had so much going on with my first birth experience that I decided I couldn’t deal with the whole placenta thing too.

    I wonder though, I have family history of retained placenta, so I took a tincture of Angelica Root within moments of my daughter’s birth which caused the placenta to release within 20 mins. I’m wondering whether that goes through to the placenta, and if so, what affect that would have on the nutritional value, firstly, and secondly what affect consumption would have on breastfeeding?

    And great response to Todd!

    • monet says:

      No problem using Angelica root. It may or may not pass to the placenta but either way, the herb is harmless and medicinal. Think of it like eating a very healthy root vegetable that has been dried.

  22. Christi says:

    I’m Tara’s sister, the one she did this for. I still use these capsules and my dd is now 22 months old.

    I feel it made a HUGE difference immediately postpartum and really helps every month when I have my cycle.

  23. Miles Hall says:

    I’ve just dried out my wifes placenta and put in into capsules. The placenta is sweet smelling and a beautiful part of the birth process. It smells exactly the same as the new born. It is our first child, and I was surprised by the simplicity and wholesomness of doing this. So don’t be put off by puritanical or ethical misjudgments. Think of the benifits it will give to your partner against PN depression. The placenta should be celebrated as part of lifes process.

    Miles, a new Dad

  24. muri says:

    Thanks for the info. on doing this. I had my placenta encapsulated and am going to use it for menopause or give it to my son when he goes through puberty (they are his hormones too), not sure who will need it more:).I am planning on doing it for my neice who has anxiety already, thanks again for the info! I think the placenta is an amazing organ. It grows for a baby! It truly is the life of the baby.Wow.

  25. Pingback: A Little R and R… and R!

  26. Thanks for talking me through this! I now understand the importance of removing the entire membrane. I didn’t cut off all of the membrane and it is so strong it wrapped around the blender blades like rope. In the dehydrator now. Also, learned a trick for grinder – coffee griner has come highly recommended. I’ll let you know how it goes.

  27. jason says:

    Just wanted to say thanks for posting the pictures and the tutorial.. i will be doing this for my wife as soon as the placenta unthaws(wouldn’t give me it without freezing it)…. it seems easy enough to wing… and the taco’s seemed totally disgusting… thanks again!!!

  28. Marcie says:

    I knew there were some sick people in this world, but you people top the cake. Not only is that disgusting, and barbaric, but your children should be removed from your homes immediately.

    I can live with burying it, but eating it or consuming it as a vitamin is just beyond normal human common sense.

    You are some sick sick people.

  29. mojo says:

    Thanks a lot for posting this, I really would like to do this when my baby is born! (noone around here provides the service, so I plan to do this myself). I don’t have a dehydrator, but I can use the oven right? Does anyone know at what temperature and for how long? Thanks again!

  30. Pingback: PLACENTA!! - HippyMom - An Evolution of Female Community Parenting Board

  31. Dorothy Steenbeke says:

    Wow! My daughter asked me to do this for her. I can’t believe it but I’m going to do it. Thanks so much for sharing your efforts and with clear pictures too. I had no idea what to do or where to start but now I feel much more prepared. You are a fantastic aunt.

  32. miika says:

    i am making placenta medicine and i have noticed a smell. not particularly a rancid smell but it is quite pungent as it has been dehydrating for a while. do you think it is still usable?? did anyone else’s have a particular smell. should i burry it instead of encapsulating?


  33. J. Lemon says:

    Thanks for the photos! Mine came out a little differently:

  34. Morella says:

    Hi thanks for posting info, could you tell me what dehydrator model you use? or suggest? all the best,

  35. Denise says:

    Hi there Tara , Great info…..Was wondering could i still do steaming with lemon grass and pepper before putting in blender before dehydration occurs. I heard usig lemongrass has an irvine in it …having a calming effect ….Any extra tips?? Also do I really need a dehydrator machine ??? or can i get buy old fashioned way with oven ?? thanks so so much!!

  36. Thanks for taking the time to document the process!

  37. JC says:

    This idea really disgusted me, until I read about it helping with getting over bleeding. My other three pregnancies finished with several weeks of bleeding – with my first it was about 10 weeks. Now I am Old and Pregnant (43), so a faster recovery has a lot of appeal.

  38. Pingback: Mad Women « American Roosters

  39. Yes great pics! I just encapsulated my first placenta down here in Chile and it was definetely a great and easy procedure! so happy thanks!!! Morella

  40. marcia cox-lowder says:

    Did you store in the placenta in the freezer or refrigerator during the time between the birth and dehydrating? I plan to be in the delivery room with my daughter but I am concerned about preserving the placenta until I can get home to start dehydrating. Cooler/dry ice? Have someone else transport? Thanks.

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